Statement by the Press Center of the Border Troops of the State Committee for National Security of Tajikistan


DUSHANBE, 16.09.2019. (NIAT Khovar) – The Press Center of the Border Troops of the State Committee for National Security (SCNS) of Tajikistan reports that contrary to previously signed agreements, on September 16 at 18:45 the Kyrgyz side began construction of an unknown structure on the territory of the sports ground in mahalla Bahor of the rural jamoat Ovchi-Kalacha in Bobojon Gafurov district of the Sughd province. Residents of Bahor opposed these illegal actions of the Kyrgyz

citizens and demanded of them to stop construction work.

The Kyrgyz side acted contrary to bilateral agreements that define the border delimitation in disputed territories, and mobilized additional military forces consisting of 250-300 people at the scene. Then they resorted to provocative actions and at 19:00 opened fire towards unarmed residents of Bahor. As a result several Tajik citizens received gunshot wounds.

These provocative actions of Kyrgyz border guards are regarded as attempts to artificially escalate the situation on the state border line, which could provoke a response from residents of the border area in this vulnerable region.

Currently, representatives of the relevant authorities of the two countries are at the scene and are carrying out explanatory work among the population in order to normalize the situation.


Press Center of the
Border Troops of the SCNS of Tajikistan